July 2018 - Betty Streff
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July 2018

Feed Your Soul, Change Your Life

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” ~ W. M. Lewis   A couple of weeks ago I shared a personal, soul-stirring experience with you. Read it HERE if you missed it. I had told myself over and over that "sometime" I'd take the time, get off the Interstate and visit the intriguing glass...

Weeds and Wisdom. Four Lessons They Taught Me

"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get."~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.   Wisdom has a way of hiding in the ordinary. I don't remember a time in my life when wisdom showed up in a fancy outfit. It's true that the Bible tells us wisdom is more precious than rubies but I've found she usually shows up in work clothes. Often...


Boom! And Suddenly it is the Fourth of July!

"May we think of freedom not as the opportunity to do as we like but as the opportunity to do the right thing."~ Peter Marshall     The Fourth of July makes me completely giddy and I'm a passionate aficionado of fireworks!!  They keep my eyes riveted to the sky and I always wish they'd last a lot longer. No matter how old I get, I'm ten again...