Feeling Disconnected? Sometimes You Simply Need to Take a Break.
“Being connected to everything has disconnected us from ourselves and the preciousness of this present moment.”~L.M. Browning
One year ago, almost to the day, I came back from a break refreshed and renewed. Soon after my short “control-alt-delete” period, I launched this website and blog. In fact, after unplugging for a month or so, I resumed posting on the day of the 2017 solar eclipse just to make it memorable. It’s time again. Time to refill my bucket, refocus, recenter and reconsider where my life is going. It’s important for us all, but there’s something about our autumn years that makes us want to know we’re honoring our true north.
I won’t be adding any new posts for a while. (But there’s a ton of stuff to read in the archives if you’re so inclined!) Meanwhile, I’m working on something that makes me feel very much alive. It’s in complete harmony with my core beliefs and my identity. As I shift gears for a season, I’m developing something new, and that’s a very good thing to do from time to time. I love fresh beginnings, always have.
Rest assured my health is good, my family is whole and happy and it is well with my soul. You’ll be the first to know about my new project. Promise.
So as the song says, “See you in September!”
P.S. I’ll still be available to bring my programs to your office or group so if you need a kick start or a reboot where you are, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at bjstreff@gmail.com.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”~Anne LaMott
Thanks for the reassurances that all is well. Enjoy your time off! Hugs, Gail
Betty Streff
Thanks. I value our friendship and appreciate your support very much. Will be in touch soon.
Barbara Malm
Oh Betty, such words of wisdom…and I am so excited for your new endeavor whatever it may be. God is good..
I look forward to hearing from you again…
Betty Streff
Thanks for the encouragement!! I’m on a very steep learning curve but doing something I love. Are you ever in Ktown long enough for a cup of coffee?
Message me on Facebook!
1 Kings 13:7
And the king said to the man of God, “Come home with me, and refresh yourself, and I will give you a reward.”