habits Archives - Betty Streff
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habits Tag

time for a change in habits

Habits. Why We Need Less Stick and More Carrot

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."~Aristotle   I'm the queen of beating myself up, I've got the award certificate on my wall. For most of my life, in my own eyes, I always fell short and never accomplished enough. But you know what? It's taken a long time to get there but I've been wrong. It's always been...

chains of habit

Habits. Good for More Than Remembering to Floss.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”~ Jim Rohn   Well, it happened again. Another book title popped up to tantalize me. Somewhere in my email, a snippet about it appeared and I knew I would enjoy it. So, I ordered it, of course. I bought a used copy like I always do and it turns out this one is autographed! Lucky...