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How to Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder

“We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders.”~ GK Chesterton   Sure. Join the crowd. Give me a bad time about the huge number of unread emails on my iPhone. My family does. But I get so much good stuff! What if the next life-changing idea came from one of them? What would happen if I delete one that turns out to be...

wow look at that

New Eyes, Lesson 1: Be Wowed by Little Things

"Let the little things amaze you. That's how you'll remember life is a miracle" Alexandra Wolf   My husband is German on both sides of the family. Farm born and bred, he's never met a potato he didn't like. We've been married close to 50 years. Wow! (Yes, I was twelve.) And, I'm absolutely certain I've peeled truckloads of spuds in the course of holy matrimony. In fact, I...

How to See Life With New Eyes

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”~Max Planck   I cross paths with lots of people on a daily basis. And, I love engaging in conversation with the folks I meet. I relish finding points of connection, common ground, similarities in thinking. The Gallups Strength Finder model calls this tendency WOO. Simply put, I'm energized by talking to strangers...

timeout chair

3 Astonishing Reasons To Put Yourself in Timeout

(Read in :03)“The end of childhood is when things cease to astonish us.  When the world seems familiar, when one has got used to existence, one has become an adult.”  ~Eugene Ionesco   Adulting is totally overrated. I'm starved for a timeout. Oh for the days of being forced to take a nap! Seriously, don't you long for someone to make you lie down and rest every...

Follow the Sun, Sunshine. Live Light, Shine Bright

(Read in :03)"Daylight follows a dark night."~Proverb   I picked today to come back because it's going to be an awesome day! A total eclipse of the sun! They tell me it won't happen here for another 375 years. That's 15 generations from now, a time span of near Biblical magnitude. It's a big deal! Who'd want to miss it?     But then again, my husband thinks life with me is like...