New Eyes See Right Through Old Obstacles
“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.”~ John Lubbock
It’s really easy to get discouraged. Life can feel like a losing game of chutes and ladders. All downhill slides and no rungs headed back up. Other times, our world can seem like one big round of whack-a-mole and it sure appears that the moles are winning. We’ve all had a turn like that. Just about the time it looks like confusion has claimed victory, it’s time for those new eyes I’ve been talking about.
New eyes. Say it fast and it sounds like “new wise” and that’s exactly the thought that popped into my head one day when the exact words came to me out of nowhere. New eyes, new wise. It takes new eyes, a new way of looking at things to battle our way back on track when our hopes, dreams, plans, and expectations have veered off course.
New Eyes see life differently
Last week, I shared some pearls of wisdom from Andy Andrews’ book The Noticer Returns and promised I’d dish up some more tidbits as I read further. Well, I devoured it. Andrews is as skillful a storyteller as you’ll ever meet. Jones is the intriguing character who inhabits the pages and shows up with big helpings of horse sense precisely when they’re needed.
In chapter 11, Jones pitched out an extra juicy idea that came along at the perfect time for me. Are you ready? “Confusion precedes learning.” Too often, when we stand in front of the gateway to new knowledge, we experience a feeling of complete overwhelm, like it’s way too much to absorb. You know what I mean? Like our brain just won’t hold one more thing. But here’s the deal as Jones tells it. Instead of “I can’t do that” we must learn to say, “I can’t do that yet.” That one tiny word can make all the difference.
“Yet” opens our new eyes to the belief that victory lies just beyond confusion and with it comes new understanding! Seeing things just a little bit differently than the average Jill or Joe is the critical inch that separates good results from great. Confusion gives way to new insights when we use our new eyes to pierce through it.
“Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered.”~ José Saramago, The Double
New eyes can see things from a different angle
Watch a pool player. Before he decides on his shot, he circles the table, looking at things from this side and that, sizing up the best approach. It works the same as we encounter prickly situations in our life, when things just don’t line up the way we’d like. It’s important to use our new eyes to consider our best possible shot.
When we begin to see things through our new eyes of possibility, we start to understand that our circumstances reflect a whole string of choices we’ve made. We made those choices based on the way we see things. That is a huge breakthrough in learning! The lesson then is this; when we learn to see things with new eyes we can change our choices and literally change the direction of our life! It’s like a whole new map!
“It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view.”~ George Eliot
I’d love to share how possible it is to start seeing life with new eyes! It’s such a joyful and adventurous way to live! Want to know more about it? Connect with me at bjstreff@gmail.com. See you Thursday!
Seeing options or having friends who help you see options – priceless!