September is the New January. Give It a Try! - Betty Streff
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September is the New January. Give It a Try!

September thoughts

September is the New January. Give It a Try!

(Read in about :03)“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” ~T.S. Eliot


September has burst upon us. Beautiful, glorious, blue-skyed month that she is. Full of promise and new starts. Vacations are sweet memories, school is well into the first quarter, and Labor Day, the second bookend of summer, has come and gone. Routines, so wonky all summer, have gotten more normal and the wheels of our everyday activities are humming along smoothly again. So, how will we maximize this dazzling month?


Why not use right now as a springboard to a fresh start? You know the hopeful sharpened-yellow-pencil-crisp-blank-notebook feeling in our tummy we all got when school started? The world was full of possibilities! Let’s make use of that new-Crayola sensation and make our resolutions now in crayon-bright September! Why wait until the gray, bleak, deflated, credit card and belly-bloated month of January?


colorful September



Why September is the best time for a reboot


I’ve always thought January is a pathetic time to make resolutions. Think about the weather. Nothing like the thought of a dark, bone-chilling, teeth-chattering pre-dawn run to get you revved up and out the door, right? And making smarter financial choices? What could spark optimism better than a mailbox stuffed with credit card bills from unwise holiday spending? It’s all so after the fact, shutting the barn door after the horse has run away, you know? Too little, too late.


I’m thinking let’s go with an ounce of prevention instead of a pound of cure…. or worse yet, a ton of regrets. So, how about a little preemptive strike instead? Right now when our enthusiasm is high and new starts are the order of the day it’s optimum to reboot, recharge and get crackin’! Crisp, cool mornings and low humidity ramp up our energy naturally. And, we’ve still got a good chunk of time to work with to get a bit leaner and fitter so we can dash, dance and prance our way into the holiday season.


brilliant September

September, the ideal time for a jump start


Research tells us it takes at least 21 days to establish a new habit and for good measure, we should allow a month to cement the changes in our routine. That’s why right now is a perfect time for forming one or two smart, healthy new habits before the “holiday season” takes its toll on our resolve. Don’t get crazy and make a ridiculous list of goals at once. We can’t get skinny-rich-organized overnight. Be realistic and reasonable. It’s far better to focus on a couple of things and make a firm commitment to improve specifically in your selected areas.


According to Forbes magazine, 40% of Americans still make New Year’s resolutions. That’s a higher percentage of us than watches the Super Bowl!  But sadly only 8% achieve their goals. Eight percent! Less than one in ten! I honestly believe better results are possible by beginning when our energy is high. You know what they say, timing is everything! And right now is perfect!


“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” ~Meister Eckhart


Let’s get going! The leaves have barely begun to turn. Every day is a fresh start and the weeks ahead have both promise and urgency that change is coming! There’s a sort of elixir in a crisp fall day and I encourage you to drink deeply! Make that juice work for you! I just can’t wait to hear what you’ll do with this “golden” opportunity! What have you got up that sweatshirt sleeve of yours?


And, please. Consider subscribing! It’s easy and you’ll get two tasty servings of encouragement each week right in your inbox. Plus, if you’re looking for an energy boost for your team or staff, message me! I’ll love to come and talk to your peeps! See you again Thursday!


golden opportunity


  • One of your best….love this…
    As an educator for years, September was always my January…and continues today.
    I use the Meister and Fitzgerald quotes in Work With the Willing…
    Submit this somewhere NOW….and then set up your first lunch and learn next week….

    September 5, 2017 at 7:04 am
  • Jean Clayton

    Such good ideas! Thanks, Betty!

    September 6, 2017 at 5:33 am
  • Nickole Sis

    LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ This is perfect!!! 😊

    September 6, 2017 at 2:04 pm
  • Helen Lange

    This makes so much sense. Inspiring! I’m starting right now.

    September 9, 2017 at 5:26 am
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