Feed Your Soul, Change Your Life
“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” ~ W. M. Lewis
A couple of weeks ago I shared a personal, soul-stirring experience with you. Read it HERE if you missed it. I had told myself over and over that “sometime” I’d take the time, get off the Interstate and visit the intriguing glass cathedral just west of Omaha. But finally, I did it! It had beckoned me like a beacon from high on a hilltop every time I drove by. When I finally did go there, it was a mini-epiphany. Not simply the cathedral itself, though it is both breathtaking and incredible, it was the peaceful feeling I got and kept experiencing for many days afterward. I was so smitten by the place I stopped the very next time I traveled to Omaha and took my husband. He loved it too!
We so seldom take time to veer off course or take the path less traveled and why? When we do, it warms our soul with wonder but it does two more things. One, we want to share it, encourage others to take the time and talk about it with people who have been there. Two, it awakens a hunger in us and makes us want to trade some of our busy hours for something real, sometime worthy, something enduring. From now on, my friends, I’m determined to spend a little more time on the care and feeding of my soul and I encourage you to do it too! Invest even an hour or two of the 168 we’re given every week to nurture your spirit and enliven your senses. You will harvest sweet joy, inspiration, peace and hope.
The time we enjoy wasting is not wasted time
“The trouble is, we think we have time.” ~Buddha
I saw a quote recently that said something like life is half spent before we know what it is. It made me cringe. Our lives are all busy. Everyone is busy. But too often our busy is going through the motions, day after day. Stuck on a hamster wheel, chasing our tail. It’s taken me far too long but I’ve finally learned it’s okay to let some things go whether it’s weeds or dust or dirty dishes. The messy garage or storeroom will be there when you get back. Do something this week that will create a happy moment and paint a lingering image in your mind. That is where the wonder and beauty of being alive is found.
And you know what? I did it again today! I feasted on a double scoop of friend time. Another soul-feeding! I caught a ride with a very special young woman in my life who had business in a town where an old friend lives and I asked to ride along. I delighted in an hour each way with her! And simply by rearranging a couple of details, I also had two sweet hours with a very dear person I haven’t seen in far too long.
For years, I have envied her from afar for her incredible artistic ability and the time to immerse herself in it. What I learned is she has very intentionally simplified and minimalized her every day life. By doing that, she has carved out the freedom to spend her life creating beautiful things, enriching the lives of her grandchildren and soaking in daily prayer and a deeply spiritual life experience. I came away uplifted and inspired to learn from her example.
The real gift we receive when we feed our soul
I will cherish the handmade gifts she sent home with me. Every time I look at these hand-painted acorns I’ll think of how she embellished them with her talented hands. I will smile and remember the lesson I learned this day. Are there people that build you up, make you want to be a better person? Do they have something to teach you? Spend time with them! Find a way to make it happen. See life with new eyes and you will never be the same! Blessings to you, see you next week!
We do have time. We just forget what is important. Thank you Betty!
Betty Streff
Once we realize we actually do have time we find the most delicious freedom! I always appreciate your thoughtful comments! Thank you.
Traci Runge
I bet your two friends feel just as blessed by the time spent with you as well ;-) Thank you for the reminder to slow down and to simplify. Cherish your words and wisdom!
Betty Streff
It was a wonderful day! Thanks! You should try it sometime!;-)
Barb Malm
Thank you for your words😊
I want to simplify and slow down to enjoy all you reminded me of…
Betty Streff
Thanks Barb! It isn’t easy to shift gears but when we manage to do it the rewards are amazing.