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Betty Streff

Follow the Sun, Sunshine. Live Light, Shine Bright

(Read in :03)"Daylight follows a dark night."~Proverb   I picked today to come back because it's going to be an awesome day! A total eclipse of the sun! They tell me it won't happen here for another 375 years. That's 15 generations from now, a time span of near Biblical magnitude. It's a big deal! Who'd want to miss it?     But then again, my husband thinks life with me is like...

The Red Leaf

Journal Kids Grief Health Style Kitchen Contact Journal Kids Grief Health Style Kitchen Contact Faith • Featured The Red Leaf by Betty Streff 0 Comments Written by Betty Streff I had a “duh” moment a while back. Each time I post I would struggle to find just the right photo to accompany what I wrote and then I had a mini epiphany. I have been marveling at...

Lost Keys and What They Taught Me

“We lose keys and we find keys and we get new keys. We just have to find the ones that unlock the right doors." ~Dan Groat   Lost keys! Horrors! Have you ever locked your keys in your car or locked yourself out? Bigger question. Is there anyone out there who has not lost a set of keys? If it's never happened to you, take a bow....

Need More Moral Fiber in Your Diet?

(:05 read)"Just try to be the best you can be; never cease trying to be the best you can be. That's in your power." ~ John Wooden   Traits like character, integrity, and moral fiber seem to fascinate people. I read an article on a sports network website a couple of days ago that really got me thinking. The commentary was about a coach who seems to be...

A Legacy is Created One Day at a Time

“A jug fills drop by drop” ~Buddha Everyone should be lucky enough to have a good send-off when they die. I’ve noticed that elderly people often become virtual “funeral connoisseurs.” They've attended so many they begin to discuss the subtle nuances of each occasion. A meaningful funeral might actually be one of the best indicators of a life well lived. Wakes are even more telling. What will...